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Ultimate Surrender Aug 20, 2013

Penny Barber vs Bella Rossi was a close match up for this season’s summer vengeance. If you want to see if type in match ID 31638 into our search. That match really could have gone any way but in the end, only one could walk away with the W. Bella comes back with a vengeance on Penny today.

Today Bella Rossi and her arch nemesis for season 8, Darling, are partners. Bella got a technical Win in season 8 after Darling got injured in their SV match up. Darling never quite did live that one down. But she puts her feelings aside today and is all business. Well she’s a lot of tits and ass too but she’s getting down to business today.

Darling and Bella are relentless on their victims today. They use their tags wisely and #teamdragon has no answers for what they throw at them. Bella and Darling make one of THE strongest tag team pairs we have ever seen.

Stay tuned next week for Round 3 : On the mats for Nightmare is Jayogen and Isamar and for team dragon, Dragon Lily and Cheyenne Jewel.


Ariel X

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