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Severe Sex Films Mar 5, 2024

Cock hungry slave submits to his Mistress

D. Arclyte, Mistress Bella Bathory

D. Arclyte awaits tall blonde Goddess Mistress Bella Bathory, in his tight leather assless shorts. He shudders as she teases his exposed skin moist with anticipation. Her warm breath comforting him while she promises a long night of torment. 
A long leather flogger awaits his backside, and Bella strikes him with fury. Long red stripes adorn his body. His face cracks and pain shudders from the grit of his teeth. Bella seeing his open mouth shoves a fat latex cock down his throat. It’s important that slaves know their place. Mistress then takes a hard wooden paddles to D Arclyte’s exposed ass. He shudders, cries, but Bella only looks down upon her prey like a savory meal. Discontent with how little of an effect the paddle has on his bare ass, she takes out the sharply pointed dragon’s tail and strikes him again and again and again. His body caves towards the cross, his eyes water and he moans. There is only more to come, and he knows all resistance is futile. 
Like a fly in a spider’s web D. Arclyte awaits the predation of Mistress Bella Bathory. Tall, blonde, stern, yet sensual, like a spider she hungers, and only his suffering can satiate her desire. She caresses his back smoothly. Preparing him for the swift sting of her hard rattan cane. D Arclyte thinks he knows what awaits him, but Bella will make sure he learns a hard truth, that you can never know what to expect when in the realm of a fierce Goddess such as her. She strikes and he cringes. She swings her cane on his exposed ass, and just as his body is about to collapse she stops, touches his body. Makes him submit to her authority through the sensuality of her fingers. His body submits, he presents his ass for another strike, and Mistress Bella takes out her hard wooden paddle…She paddles him hard. He wants her to stop but it’s imperative that he learns through pain to submit to Female Authority. When at last his body cave, and she feels she is finished, she establishes her authority by having crawl on all fours and suck her fat cock. She shoves his face into the long hard dick. He yields letting it slip down his throat, then overcome with devotion and desire he sucks her fat cock like a marooned sailor thirsty for a woman’s touch.


Dee Severe

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