Learn how to mark your submissive’s skin with marks (not markers), in a deliberate, artistic manner that remains distinctly visible for hours but is non-permanent. Danarama shows you the obscure but long-practiced craft and skill of stenciling through impact play. Stencil shapes you cut from sheets of craft foam, or by placing padded decals, you can use various impact implements, such a paddles, hair brushes, even a riding crop to raise a temporary welt on your partner’s skin the shape of your stencil.
Stencil numbers, Your name, animal shapes, logos, and more right onto their but cheeks, arms, chest, belly, or legs. Surprisingly little pain is required to make results that last for hours, and then disappear. Also learn stenciling with cut-out paddles and advanced techniques for stenciling using carefully-applied sparks from a violet wand.
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