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Divine Bitches Oct 29, 2014

Divine Bitches Halloween Special: FemDom Freakshow! SPH cock edging!

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe, Jimmy Bullet

Happy Halloween from the Divine Bitches! Maitresse Madeline Marlowe leads a traveling side show of circus freaks and Jimmy Bullet thinks he has what it takes to be the freakiest of them all with his eensy weensy horny little cock! He sneaks into Madeline’s trailer and presents her with his cute, hard little dick. Madeline finds it hilarious and gets even more amusement from teasing him to the edge of orgasm and watching his little dick bounce all around from excitement. He sniffs and cleans her delicious asshole and gets strap-on fucked and prostate milked until his horny little dick is exploding all over. Welcome to the Freakshow!


Maitresse Madeline Marlowe

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