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Fucking Machines Sep 3, 2014

Oh oh Her She CUMS, she's a MACHINE SQUIRTER! Mona Wales gets us Wet

Mona Wales

Mona Wales is fun naked. She’s comfortable, hot and ready to fuck anything in front of her hungry pussy. She’s a rock star and a porn star and we love her super squirter pussy! Summa ain’t over yet with Mona and her squirt firing, cum hungry pussy. She hoses the machines, the furniture, our set and even the camera lens! And she takes the deepest penetration possible - the dildo disappears into her pussy in an amazing show of deeeeppppp fucking!

She likes it best on her back and we accommodate as the Bunny Fucker, The Monster, Gyno and The Fucksall take turns making her wet and weathering her pussy juice storm! Mona will definitely be back to the machines!



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