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Ultimate Surrender Apr 15, 2014

Bad Ass Wrestlers trap Noobes on the mat and finger fuck the fuck out of them

Ella Nova, Jayogen, Izamar Gutierrez, Sasha Banks

This is the first installment of Team Wrangler vs. Team Queen. The Queens DESTROYED the wranglers in the March Madness Submission in the Mission Match up but today the Wranglers are taking the reins for the season.
Paris Lincoln was Pink Carded out of the tournament do to an injury from the march madness tournament. Her replacement is Isamar Guiterrez. Ella Nova is the other team wrangler wrestling tonight.
For Team Queeen we have Jayogen who is taking Juliette March’s place on Team Queen permanently. Sasha Princess Banks is the original Team Queen member wrestling for her team today.
Team Wrangler doesn’t make good use of their tags. Their strategy is easy to see from the get go. They keep Izamar out to do all the wrestling. She’s able to fight off Jayogen and Sasha for the first round but they start to wear her down. Each team takes advantage of the opposing rookie. Sasha and Ella are both trapped on the mats getting finger fucked to frustration.


Ariel X

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