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Captive Male Jan 12, 2015

Private vin

Diezel, Mika Tan

Military Interrogator Mika Tan is not fucking around with her methods of extracting information from insolent soldiers. When vin refuses to admit to masturbating to images of bound women, Mika re-enacts one of the pictures…except now he is the one tied up with weights hanging from his genitals. Gagged, flogged and generally humiliated is how Mika likes her subjects. For this is when she can begin to use them as sex slaves, not men, but rather worthless pieces of meat with hard on’s that she can ride for her own pleasure. When vin cums without asking permission, his ejaculate is fed to him and he is bent over and once more gagged. Mika takes her frustration out on vin’s ass with deep, hard, fast strokes of her strapon cock as he screams like a little bitch should.

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