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Device Bondage Aug 23, 2013

Fragments IX

Ana Foxxx, Ranie Mae

Fragments IX

n. fragment

  1. a part broken off or detached
  2. an isolated, unfinished, or incomplete part
  3. an odd piece, bit, or scrap.

Sometimes as rare and as beautiful of creatures they are, they aren’t designed to take a full DeviceBondage update. So then, they become Fragments for you to decide if they pass, or if they fail.

First we have Ranie Mae, a lean blonde wanting to try her hand at unforgiving bondage. Young and willing, she gives it her best, but her best just wasn’t good enough.

Next is Ana, who is fit as can be, sexy as fuck, and seems to have a body built for this site. Alas, it doesn’t take long to figure out that you can never assume anything about anyone.


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