What is the Ultimate Surrender? It’s that moment when, while being trapped on the mat with a strong sexy woman with superior strength or skill on top of you holding you down with one hand while she fucks you with the other, you are brought to orgasm against your will. Try as hard as you can but you only prolong the inevitable. You’re going to cum on the mat at the hand of a dominant and superior female. Your body goes limp, you let out a sigh and you give yourself to her fully and ultimately. The struggle is over. You are already hers and she knows it.
We’ve got the best of the ultimate Surrender orgasms here in one video for your viewing pleasure. Matches from back as far as 2004 have been delved through to find these gems. Orgasms on the mat are not a common thing in a competitive wrestling bout so when it happens it’s something special. A compilation of all the oragasms surely is an even more special thing.
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