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Fucking Machines Apr 25, 2012

Her Pussy is No Contest: Taking The 20yr Old Places She has NEVER BEEN

Elaina Raye

Capitals are not loud enough for this shoot. Elaina Raye is so sweet and so fine and so unbelievably unaware of her hotness this update is like watching a tiny house kitten turn into a full grown tiger and bite the head off a zebra. Yeah, that’s right.
Do yourself the teasing favour and watch the interview before the Doc Thumper scene. Listen to her sweet southern drawl that she barely hides as she talks about the first time she kissed a girl.
Elaina goes for broke and fucks until her pussy can take no more. Literally to tilt and then just when she is at the very last edge of clit sensitivity she SQUIRTS on the Sybian. Yup, House kitty to tiger.



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