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The Upper Floor May 4, 2012

House Party:Consort is corrected.

Krysta Kaos, Dylan Ryan

Slave Kaos has been riding high as slave consort, helping induct the new slaves, and managing the current girls, but now its her turn to be managed. Its become clear to The Pope and The Steward that she has been lax with the new slaves and that she ought to take her gold collar a bit more seriously.

Since she often listens better upside down, the Pope strings her gorgeous little body up and puts one of her best trained to the test. As the consorts body twirls in a tight inverted suspension, her masters leave an imprint of each failure on her creamy skin with a flogger. Once she has suffered through her punishment slave tramp has her mouth latched onto the consorts pussy and apologizes with a good oral service.

Soon the party moves to the lounge, where slave tramp undergoes public humiliation, singing like a court jester covered in clamps. Her performance is so good she is made to cum like a whore on Nerines hand.

The rest of night includes electrical intimidation and torment of siouxsie q, a fisting gang bang of slave kaos, and the sadistic seduction of a beautiful newcomer.


The Pope

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