Episode 2: Like all good things, Felony’s series is about to end. But her fourth strike for Electrosluts is quite possibly one of her most intense appearances, which is saying a lot considering how intense her scenes usually are.
I rig her in a very uncomfortable position, with one leg in the air with an acrylic plug securely tied into her pussy. It electrifies her pussy and makes her hop on one foot as the pleasure and pain of the involuntary pussy contractions washes over her.
That would be enough to make most subs wince, but since this is Felony’s last time in my dungeon for awhile, I also break out the cattle prod, and just the sight of it makes her eyes go wide. You’ll have to watch to see what her reaction is to the sound. With shocks to the leg, shocks to her ass and to the rest of her body I make Felony dance, despite having only one foot on the ground.
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