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The Training Of O Apr 20, 2012

Slave Training Beretta James Day 4

Beretta James

Applicant Profile

Weight: 105 lbs.
Measurements:: 32-24-34
Height: 5’5’’

Fears: Name calling, degradation, electricity, and failure

Strengths: Stamina, composure, and pain endurance

Weaknesses: Emotionally labile, easily distracted, and is verbally quiet

Trainee ID: 004.

Observations: She seems eager to please and is excited to be trained, but lacks confidence. Also, she seems very nervous, which causes fidgeting and a lack of conviction when answering questions.

Recommendations: Sadistic tests of her pain tolerance level to see how she processes pain, as well as how her composure is during said testing. Find out what her reservations are about electricity and work to overcome her fear of it. Work on building her confidence and focus.

We start with a short review and decide that today is the day for her to be broken. We have to get her past her fear of failure, and by breaking her, but reassuring her her, it shows 004 that she has not failed. She is advancing quickly and this is the last day I have with her before her evaluation.


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