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The Training Of O Nov 11, 2011

Juliette Day 2 Heavy Labor, Intense Bondage, and Brutal Torment

Juliette March, Alexxa Bound

The day begins with two, but it doesn’t take long to weed out the weaker of the two. It took longer than expected to get down to one, but we have our trainee. I give to you: pixie.

First I test her attention to detail. She is attentive, but unsure of herself when questioned about her observations. Confidence doesn’t seem to be one of her strong points, but she proves that she has a high pain tolerance.

After an exercise in pain processing, pixie is pulled into a brutal inverted suspension with her hair tied to her bound elbows, ensuring her legs will stay spread. Her pain level is tested again, and now we have a goal to increase this.


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