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Kink Test Shoots Dec 28, 2022

Dommes Vanessa, Jessica and Charlie are enjoying an afternoon of topless sunbathing by the pool when they hear some rustling in the bushes. They spot slave Fluffy spying on them and quickly capture him. Man, did he pick the wrong women to peep on! Before you know it, Fluffy is trapped in a round hanging cage with the Dommes whirling him around, smacking him with crops and rulers, showering him with spit and kissing and eating pussy just below the cage as a demo of pleasures he will never experience. But the cage doesn’t really afford enough access to really beat up on him, so Fluffy gets suspended in rope bondage with all his vulnerable parts exposed. The Mistresses take turns flogging and paddling him, and amusing themselves by placing a complicated and painful CBT device on his cock and balls. Are they done? They most certainly are not. Next, Fluffy is tied to a table as Mistress Jessica sticks a dildo in his mouth and flogs him with maximum impact, while Vanessa gives Charlie a strap-on blowjob and enjoys being fucked by her, all the while taunting and humiliating Fluffy. Finally, it’s time to take turns pegging him and sticking the just used dildos in his mouth. He’s never been fisted before — but there’s a first time for everything, and the Dommes have the perfect way to finish up with their little pervert, who’s certainly learned his lesson.


Dee Severe

Kink Originals

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