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Kinky Bites Jul 5, 2021

Cam, Handled Part 2: Cam Damage and Ravyn Alexa

Cam Damage, Ravyn Alexa

The tables have turned in day two of Cam and Ravyn’s sexual adventures together. This time Ravyn is topping Cam. Rayvn is new to domming so Cam communicates some helpful instructions. Ravyn takes the advice to heart and doesn’t hold back. Ravyn puts clothespins all over Cam’s tits and abs and then hits them off very aggressively with a leather flogger, sending all of the clothespins flying. Ravyn hits Cam’s ass hard with the flogger repeatedly until it turns pink. Next, Ravyn gets out a wooden paddle. With a vibrator pressed against Cams pussy, Ravyn paddles Cam’s ass so hard and so many times, it turns every shade of purple and its just what Cam needs to cum hard.


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